
Special Wears: It's Gabe Time!

Welcome to Gabe's closet, these are some of his favorite articles of clothing and outfits
This Fairhaven Graduate has quite the wardrobe: hand made jewelry, found, gifted and saved clothing not to mention the coolest bandanas and hats for days!

Fur Vest: Friend's Aunt's Closet
Hat: Party Booty
Cassette Necklace: Hand Made
Black V-neck: Gap

Black Slacks: Crossroads Trading Company
Seafoam Shoes: gift from LA

"it was an eraser, but then i painted it and turned it into an earring"
Moose Earring: Hand Made
Hat: Mad Hatter
White Bandana: had it forever

 "it was a sweater. but then i cut the sleeves off... yesterday."Blue Shark Vest: Gift from New York
Flannel: Goodwill
Black Slacks: H&M

Colorfull T: Goodwill

Shoes: Creative Recreations

Thanks for the Good time Gabe!

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