

I'm here to say, i've noticed something. 

Here in the PNW we have an eclectic smorgasbord of style and fashion and as college students we are not afraid to wear it all.

So I would like to salute you and your confidence to flaunt it. 

I want to find you, take your picture and ask you about what you're wearing, where you found it and tell you, "Yeah, it looks awesome, thanks for doing that."

Though i'm no fashion fanatic, professional photographer or even have any idea what to do with a blog, i think this could be great, and i hope you do to.

I'll be around with my camera; WWU campus, downtown Bellingham, Fairhaven district, and if you're wearing something interesting i may ask to take your picture and post it here for everyone to see and share what Western has to offer to. 

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